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Have you ever wondered about the people who can simply redefine the rules when things don’t go to plan? You know the ones I’m talking about, the people who can regroup and come up with new parameters to accomplish goals and meet their targets, even in the face of a setback or when all odds seem against them. These people are known as game changers. Whether you’re in the fast-paced sporting world, the corporate setting, or even dealing with a domestic crisis, being a game changer is a great string to your bow. And the good news is, you can LEARN to become one!

For some people, the game changer mindset is an innate instinct and their go-to response when adversity strikes. For others, it might take a little more work to become automatic. But with these tools, I’m going to show you how to build a fool-proof and hardy game changer mindset.

What IS a game changer?

By definition, a game changer is:

“An idea, person, event, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something.”

So, in short, a game changer is someone who can come up with a new way of solving a problem or find an alternate means to reach the same end target. This is a skill applicable in any setting, whether it’s professional sports, business, or as menial as dealing with disrupted travel plans, for example!

Being able to manage setbacks and keep striving towards your end goal is a great mechanism to take the anxiety and fear out of things going awry and prevent you from falling apart when it does. Unfortunately, things will go wrong! So being able to manage it when it does and formulate a new plan of action is the best way to maintain a positive outlook and keep pushing toward your goals.

Becoming a game changer
            Define your vision

Creating a clear roadmap to where you want to get will make staying on track a whole lot easier. If you veer off course or a setback forces you to halt progress, creating a new path to reach the desired destination will be a lot clearer and less stressful if you can visualise the new route in front of you.

On your map, specify the end goal and then draw out all the stops along the way. If you hit a roadblock, draw a path between the point you are at and the next point you need to get to. The road may have some bends, and possibly even a U-turn or two, but as long as it reaches the next stop you’ll still be working hard toward the final destination. Visualising it like this will help you to see any possible routes you may not have considered when you find yourself needing to do a little off-roading.

Setting measurable milestones, i.e., the stops along the way, will help you to stay focused and motivated. Trying to go from A to B in one straight line is not practical and you will hit a few potholes on the way. Giving yourself these smaller goals to achieve as part of the grand plan will help boost your self-esteem and give you the confidence to keep pushing as you check each one off the map.

        Dealing with setbacks

As I’ve talked about in the past, setbacks are inevitable and as soon as you accept that they will at some point crop up, the closer you are to adopting the game changer mindset. Now, I don’t mean to fixate on them or spend time worrying about what could go wrong! By accepting that they are an inevitability, you take the pressure away and just let the journey unfold as it needs to. There doesn’t need to be any stigma about things going a little wrong, and the energy and time you spend worrying about what could happen, would be better spent on achieving your dreams and enjoying the process.

Instead, see setbacks or mistakes as an opportunity for personal development. Everything that happens is a great time to learn more about yourself and grow as a person and professional. Understand that setbacks are NOT failures and don’t need to derail all your progress! If anything, see them as a chance to challenge yourself and push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

            Have a good network

Like anything in life, the key to maintaining a healthy mindset is who you have around you. Surround yourself with people who support you and build you up. People who inspire you and motivate you to bring your best self to the table every day! Having a good support network will give you the chance to bounce ideas off them, when you’re rerouting or finding an alternative solution to a problem it’s always a good idea to run things past your inner circle. And if you’re struggling to find an answer, there’s no harm in asking your team to come up with a few suggestions for you, you can’t be inspired every single time, so utilise your network!

Seeking support from one another, sharing your goals, and rallying each other when things don’t go to plan is a great way to keep your mindset in check and ensure your self-esteem stays where it needs to be to operate at your full capacity.

            Step out of your comfort zone

Game changers are not afraid of taking risks or pushing themselves past their comfort zones. The simple saying “if you don’t ask, you don’t get” rings true for this one! If you are operating within the safety blanket of your comfort zone, then you are missing out on all the opportunities for substantial growth and success! If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always had. So don’t be afraid to take a few risks, even if it makes you feel a little uneasy at first, that’s what your network is there for!

When things don’t go to plan and you need to jump into the game changer mindset to find a solution, look outside of your boundaries for the answer! From challenge comes growth, so try to solve the problem outside the parameters of where you feel safe, you will surprise yourself!

            Celebrate the little victories

I talk about this one a lot, but it’s so important for staying motivated and keeping on target! From the roadmap we drew up earlier, take the time to celebrate and congratulate yourself each time you reach a destination on the way. Acknowledging the hard work and success to bring you to that point, even if it’s not the end goal just yet, will reinstate the drive to keep working and boost your self-esteem. Having the motivation and confidence to keep fighting for what you want, even when stuff doesn’t work out every time, will stop it from getting to you and cause you to cease moving forward. Resilience is born of confidence and faith in your goal, so make sure you’re looking back at just how far you’ve made it. Don’t get too hung up on how far you may have left to go, it will only damage your motivation. Keep your eyes on the prize but take a few peaks behind you to see your footsteps in the sand.

So, there you have it… 5 steps to building a fool-proof game changer mindset! Now you can stop worrying about what could go wrong, confident in your ability to manage it if it does! Being able to look at the bigger picture and find a work around the roadblock is the ultimate key to reaching your dreams with a mindset fully intact and your confidence cup filled. When things go awry, YOU will be the person everyone looks to and thinks “Wow they’re a game changer!”. And don’t forget the all-important support system around you, we can’t do anything without our nearest and dearest egging us on.

If you want more insights into building a game changer mindset, boosting self-esteem, or maintaining resilience then Empowering Excellence is the place for you! Whether your sport is horse riding, rugby, netball, or anything else the competitive mindset stays the same. Make sure you get in touch, and we can create a tailor-made plan specifically for YOU to put your goals on the map and start making progress toward them.