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At some point, we’ve all had an instructor tell us to ‘ride forwards’ or ‘think positive’. Whether you’ve had a bad experience, or you’re worried about stepping up a level, a lack of confidence can make even small steps feel like mountains to climb.

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right”. What that means is your very mindset has the power to narrate the outcome. If you go into something thinking the worst, the chances are you won’t succeed. But with a positive attitude, those obstacles will seem just a little easier to navigate and your chances of succeeding grow.

A positive equestrian mindset gives you the power to challenge unhelpful thoughts, boost your confidence, and achieve your goals. No matter how big or small your dream is, the right mindset will give you the tools to make it a reality.

Why is a positive equestrian mindset so important?

With all the training, gadgets, and wonderful horses in the world, the most important investment you can make is in yourself. Building a positive mindset, in which you truly believe you are capable of success, is ultimately the key to making it happen.

Horses are incredibly intuitive and can tune in to how you’re feeling around them. If you’re feeling nervous or negative, this will be relayed directly to your horse, and guess what… they’ll feel the same!  Your horse looks to you for confidence and guidance, and whether it’s walking past the dreaded wheely bins or warming up for a competition, if you’re not sure then they won’t be either.

Facing every challenge with a positive mindset can make a huge difference in your confidence and results. If you’ve been battling a few roadblocks recently and struggling to make the next step, then this might just be what’s stopping you.

Here are a few of my favourite tips and tricks to kickstart that positive equestrian mindset…

  1. Visualise success

The brain is a wonderful and complex thing, it has the ability to merge imagination with reality. The neural pathways created by visualisation help to prepare our mind and body for the task. By imagining yourself taking on a challenge and succeeding, your brain is programmed to store the information to create new behaviours and long-term memories.

Put simply, if you can see yourself overcoming an obstacle, you’re creating tools and memories to help you ‘in real life’, and you’re much more likely to do it.

The key is that you must truly believe you can do it. Imagine how it feels when you succeed and hold onto that feeling. Remind yourself of it before you tackle the task and remember that you’ve already seen yourself do it, so what’s stopping you?

  1. Find the neutral

Sometimes making a big step from negative beliefs to positive ones can feel a little overwhelming. Making baby steps between the two is the way to slowly convert your mindset AND make sure it lasts.

Setting yourself in the middle can feel a little more achievable at the start, and help you to clearly establish the steps to get there. It doesn’t matter how small the steps may be, as long as they’re heading in the right direction. For example, the negative might be “My horse will spook at that jump” and the positive would be “My horse won’t spook at that jump”. But the neutral could be “My horse might spook at that jump, but I know I’ve got the skills to handle the situation”.

  1. Set yourself goals

‘A goal is simply a dream with a deadline.’

Napoleon Hill

Having something tangible to work towards is a great way to keep your mindset in check and stay positive. If you’ve got an end goal you can measure your progress against, it’s so much easier to see the bigger picture and keep working, even when you’re making small steps.

Even when you’ve had a small setback or one day didn’t quite go as planned, keep your focus on the goal ahead. Having a bigger picture will take the pressure off each ride, and you’ll be able to see each one as part of the journey instead. The days when things don’t work out are just as important for development as the good ones.

Make sure your goals are realistic. Whilst we all encourage you to dream big, make sure that the targets you set for yourself are not too far in the distance, that way you won’t get disheartened or lose motivation when it takes you a while to get there. Keep the end goal in mind but set measurable steps to get there. Celebrating each little success is reinforcing your positive mindset and instills confidence in your ability. So, dream big but take it slow, you’ll be there before you know it.

  1. Practice gratitude

Studies have shown that writing down what you’re grateful for can have a significant impact on your overall sense of optimism and mindset. You can do this specifically for your horse-riding journey, or your life in general! Practicing gratitude can be a daily task on the to-do list or only the days when your mind feels vulnerable, and your confidence is wobbling.

It’s important to take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come, so whilst you’re in the headspace of reflection, look back at where you started and give yourself a pat on the back. Sometimes, we can be so caught up on where we’re going that we lose sight of where we began. A glance over the shoulder to remind ourselves of everything we’ve achieved is often enough to right the scales and boost motivation. Especially when it comes to horses, there’s always more to learn- either about the animal, the sport, or us! Staying in touch with yourself is an important aspect of maintaining a positive mindset. It won’t go right every day, but when you feel your confidence slipping, take a moment to reflect on what you’re grateful for and just how far you’ve made it.

  1. Find your people

Equestrians are a supportive bunch. We ALL know the trials and tribulations that come with horses, so building a support system of people to cheer you on is a crucial part of maintaining a positive mindset.

Having a trusted trainer to offer advice and support that you can call on when you’re doubting yourself will give you a much-needed confidence boost to keep going. A circle of supportive friends to be your cheerleaders will not only make it even more fun but they’re a great asset to keep your mindset in balance, even on the days when it feels tough.

There’s no better time than right now to start building a positive mindset. The days spent spending time with your horse are just as important as those spent pursuing your goals. Maintaining your new mindset is all about balance, so don’t be afraid to take the pressure off sometimes and just enjoy the ride.

If you need a little extra help establishing your positive equestrian mindset and building your confidence, then feel free to contact me! As a Sport and Exercise Psychologist with an acute understanding of the equine industry, I can help you re-wire your mentality and show you all the tools you need to feel confident both in the saddle and out of it!

Make sure you follow me on Instagram as well for even more top tips!

Instagram: @empoweringexcellence